An effective Homeopathic medicine which will help you reduce your blood pressure. It can be taken with any other medicine such as anti-hypertensive drugs and helps in controlling the symptoms of high blood pressure as well as low blood pressure.
Hello everyone. This is doctor and this is a video testimonial for doctor Yatri she is a rockey doctor based in...
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Hello, i'm doctor sonia guys. i'm dentist. uh, i had to suffer from endometriosis and it was diagnosed in the month of february two thousand and nineteen, then i took a lot of allopathic medicine for six month. it did not there was no result then in the month of november, october i came to doctor ya three and i told her about my problem. and she gave me some homeopathic medicine. i don't know what was that, it was actually a magic for me and, uh. after for five months, the lesion has completely resolved. oh, there is no pain. no, the problem...
Hello everyone. This is doctor and this is a video testimonial for doctor Yatri she is a rockey doctor based in...
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Hello, i'm doctor sonia guys. i'm dentist. uh, i had to suffer from endometriosis and it was diagnosed in the month of february two thousand and nineteen, then i took a lot of allopathic medicine for six month. it did not there was no result then in the month of november, october i came to doctor ya three and i told her about my problem. and she gave me some homeopathic medicine. i don't know what was that, it was actually a magic for me and, uh. after for five months, the lesion has completely resolved. oh, there is no pain. no, the problem...
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